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101 Best Paleo Diet Foods

Health Research Staff
pubblicato da millwoodmedia

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Finally --- eat all you want with no worry of weight gain or health problems!

In fact, most people lower their blood pressure and cholesterol while dramatically increasing their energy and mood.

People all over the world are adopting the Paleo diet approach. With the Paleo diet, you don't have to count any calories, and can literally eat until your heart is content. How many diets can say that?

Simply put, the concept is to eat the foods that only Mother Nature can provide. If a caveman would have been able to eat it, so can you! Hence why it is also called the "caveman" diet. In our modern times, we tend to eat a diet that is heavy in grains, sugar, and processed foods that are loaded with sodium and preservatives. This "modern" diet is the reason why the western world is experiencing catastrophic health issues.

Discover these tasty paleo diet foods:

* The paleo diet food that has THREE times the Vitamin C of oranges.

* The amazing brain food that has been shown to also protect the heart and eyes AND improve circulation --- but packs just 19 calories a serving.

* A little known but tasty meat that is lean and brimming with CLA, the "miracle" fatty acid that actually burns belly fat.

And 98 more!

The Paleo Diet doesn't have to be a boring and plain diet. This handy "pocket guide" will help you find some foods you may not have thought of, and it'll tell you WHY you should be eating these "life-savers."

** Includes a fully linked TOC and a handy list for shopping for the 101 Best Paleo Diet Foods **

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Generi Salute Benessere Self Help » Alimentazione e Diete

Editore Millwoodmedia

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 29/06/2012

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781937918385

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101 Best Paleo Diet Foods

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