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12 Stunning Love Songs

Darren Hobson
pubblicato da Darren Hobson

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This is the book you have been wishing for in the last twenty years, the one thing you were missing in your vast collection of books, this is a compilation of the twelve best love songs ever written brought to you in stunning poetry form. This valentines day you can finally have all the material you need to woo your future partner, these songs are guaranteed to bring you results and whites have never been whiter.

This prolific poet brings to you a tongue in cheek collection of poetry that shows the darkest corners of English humour, this collection is in celebration of his ten years in self-publishing and is a gift to his readers to say thank you to everyone who has laughed or cried at his work.

Just reading the titles to some of the poems within will make the reader groan or spit out their earl grey tea, nothing should be taken seriously , reading is to explore and be entertained, so dear reader put on your glad rags and be ready to be entertained by the quirky poet from Preston, mushy peas are not included.

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Editore Darren Hobson

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 13/02/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9798223688082

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12 Stunning Love Songs

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