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» English » Politica e Società » Comunicazione e Media
Massimo Moruzzi pubblicato da Massimo Moruzzi
#NOT a real book (Just a screed)
Does all the hype surrounding social media make sense?
Isn't it time that somebody tried to deconstruct all this bullshit?
What are social media? Are they the same websites we used to call social networks? Why did we start calling them social media?
What is social media marketing? Are companies doing it right? Does it make sense to send your website visitors to Twitter and Facebook?
Do people really want to "engage" with brands? Do companies really want to have "conversations" with their customers?
What is the value of a Facebook "like"? What is "organic reach"? What happens now that the free lunch is over?
The 15 Questions:
Download it now: it's a smart 15 minutes' read.
Generi Politica e Società » Comunicazione e Media » Pubblicità e società , Economia Diritto e Lavoro » Marketing, Pubblicità e Vendite » Pubblicità » Pubbliche relazioni
Editore Massimo Moruzzi
Formato Ebook (senza DRM)
Pubblicato 06/01/2016
Lingua Inglese
EAN-13 1230000966375 1230000966375
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