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21 Days of Prayer and Fasting

Jr. J. Randolph Turpin
pubblicato da Declaration Press

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Transform your prayer life, deepen your relationship with God, and revitalize your congregation through 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting, revised and expanded second editiona guide to spiritual disciplines for modern believers. This newly expanded edition combines timeless biblical wisdom with practical insights into these spiritual practices in today's world.

Author J. Randolph Turpin, Jr. draws from decades of pastoral experience to demystify prayer and fasting, making these powerful spiritual practices accessible to everyone. Learn why and how to fast effectively, avoid common pitfalls, and create sustainable spiritual habits that fit your lifestyle.

Key features:

  • Foundational explanations of why and how prayer and fasting make a difference
  • Clear instructions on different fasting approaches
  • Practical strategies for maintaining spiritual disciplines while balancing work and family
  • A complete framework for both individual and church-wide implementation
  • New content addressing digital fasting and modern lifestyle challenges
  • Guidelines for conducting solemn assemblies

Whether you're a ministry leader organizing a church-wide fast, or an individual seeking deeper spiritual intimacy, this book provides:

  • Step-by-step implementation guidelines
  • Clear answers to fundamental questions about fasting
  • Essential insights on what can nullify fasting's benefits
  • Wisdom for navigating fasting in contemporary work environments
  • Guidance for families engaging in spiritual disciplines together

Begin your journey to spiritual breakthrough with this trusted resource that has helped many experience the transformative power of prayer and fasting. Perfect for those seeking personal revival, congregational renewal, or a closer walk with God.

The paperback edition includes dedicated journaling pages for recording insights, prayers, and experiences throughout your twenty-one-day journey of spiritual transformation.

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Generi Religioni e Spiritualità » Liturgia, Preghiere e Canti

Editore Declaration Press

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 02/01/2025

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9798230040309

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21 Days of Prayer and Fasting

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