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30-Day Whole Food Challenge Cookbook

Jessica Lee
pubblicato da Publishdrive

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In these days of fast foods, it is increasingly difficult by the day to eat real foods that will improve your health. Most of the foods being sold on the shelves of our local stores are laden with food additives and chemicals. And these unnatural food products are having adverse effects on our health. Body conditions like cancer, obesity, leukemia etc that we spent thousands of dollars on, are as a result of these foods we consume.
Hence a need to check and avoid these health problems caused by additives in the food we take.
One possible way out is to go on a whole food diet. This book will serve as a guide, not only explaining the basics of this type of diet and how it can benefit you, but also how you can prepare dishes that are delicious and healthy.

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Generi Gastronomia » Cucina salutista e per specifiche diete , Salute Benessere Self Help » Alimentazione e Diete

Editore Publishdrive

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 23/08/2018

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 6610000098323

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30-Day Whole Food Challenge Cookbook

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