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30 Days to Taming Worry and Anxiety

Deborah Smith Pegues
pubblicato da Harvest House Publishers

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Do You Long for Peace of Mind?

You can't avoid anxiety-provoking circumstancesthey are a natural consequence of life on Planet Earth. But there are effective ways to deal with the stress they cause!

Deborah Smith Pegues has been where you are and wants to share what she's learned to help you handle the situations that threaten your peace of mind. In 30 days, you will discover how to...

  • experience joy by embracing a divine perspective and living in the now
  • achieve clarity by improving your sleep, diet, and exercise routines
  • evaluate your expectations to minimize distress and disappointment
  • prevent unnecessary angst by managing your time and money more wisely
  • trade your "stress-speak" for more calming expressions

Packed with practical insights, encouragement, and biblical inspiration, this book will help you respond effectively to worry and anxiety so you can be a happier person.

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Generi Religioni e Spiritualità » Cristianesimo

Editore Harvest House Publishers

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 28/03/2017

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780736968584

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30 Days to Taming Worry and Anxiety

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