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340 Christian & Inspirational Patterns for Scroll Saw Woodworkers, Third Edition Revised & Expanded - Tom Zieg
340 Christian & Inspirational Patterns for Scroll Saw Woodworkers, Third Edition Revised & Expanded - Tom Zieg

340 Christian & Inspirational Patterns for Scroll Saw Woodworkers, Third Edition Revised & Expanded

Tom Zieg
pubblicato da Fox Chapel Publishing

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63 punti carta PAYBACK
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A collection of 340 unique scroll saw patterns, perfect for beginner and experienced scroll saw artists. These beautiful designs can be used to make wall plaques, nativity sets, jewelry, and functional objects such as napkin holders, and letter openers. Includes the history and meaning behind each symbol.

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Generi Home & Garden » Crafts & Hobbies , Religion » Christianity

Editore Fox Chapel Publishing

Formato Paperback / softback

Pubblicato 15/10/2024

Pagine 224

Lingua Inglese

Isbn o codice id 9781497104877

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340 Christian & Inspirational Patterns for Scroll Saw Woodworkers, Third Edition Revised & Expanded

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