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52 Uncommon Ways to Unwind Together

Randy Southern
pubblicato da Moody Publishers

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-10 %

Fun Dates that Help You Reinvigorate Your Relationship

Whether you're going through a difficult season, your relationship has shifted into autopilot, or the everyday stresses of life are wearing you out, it's time to de-stress together. Boost your relational connection and make fun memories with these strategically designed activities that provide opportunities to enjoy yourselves and unwind.

Each date idea includes suggestions for going the extra mile, personalizing the date to your unique story, speaking your spouse's love language, and connecting with God. This thorough yet simple guide to unwinding together helps you:

  • Release the pressures that take a toll on physical, spiritual, and emotional health
  • Equip you to be a calming and healing presence in your spouse's life
  • Connect on a deeper level and rekindle intimacy in your relationship

Whether it's creating a throwback party or offering your spouse a chauffeured commute, you'll find clever and enjoyable ways to have fun and relax together.

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Editore Moody Publishers

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 07/01/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780802497970

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52 Uncommon Ways to Unwind Together

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