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A Boy After God's Own Heart

Jim George
pubblicato da Harvest House Publishers

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Boys have a lot competing for their attention, and peer pressure can be tremendousmaking it a challenge to encourage them toward the things of God and living the Christian life.

Jim George helps young guys to understand why God is important in everything they do. And he teaches that the Bible has the answers for all the questions and issues they face as they grow older. Boys will learn

  • the value of honoring and respecting their parents
  • the keys to making right choices and decisions
  • how to choose the best kinds of friends and be a good friend
  • the benefits of taking school seriously and being responsible
  • the need to follow after God by reading the Bible and spending time in prayer

This book includes discussion questions and interactive material, opening a whole new world for boys, pointing them in the right direction for becoming what God designed them to be.

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Educativi » Religione

Editore Harvest House Publishers

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/09/2012

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780736945035

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A Boy After God

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