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A Child in Palestine

Naji Al-Ali
pubblicato da Verso

Prezzo online:
-13 %

A Child in Palestine collects the work of one of the Arab world's greatest cartoonists, Naji al-Ali, known as 'the Palestinian Malcolm X'. Discovered in the 1950s, he was revered throughout the region for his outspokenness, honesty and humanity. Resolutely independent, al-Ali strove to speak to and for the ordinary Arab people. The pointed satire of his stark, symbolic cartoons brought him widespread renown. His most celebrated creation, the child Hanthala, exposed the brutality of Israeli occupation, the venality and corruption of the region's regimes, and the suffering of the Palestinian people. Hanthala is today seen as a surrogate witness to ongoing horrors and a beacon for Palestinian resistance.

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A Child in Palestine

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