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The author's road trips through the American South lead to a personal confrontation with history

In A Deeper South: The Beauty, Mystery, and Sorrow of the Southern Road, Pete Candler offers a travel narrative drawn from twenty-five years of road-tripping through the backroads of the American South. Featuring Candler's own photography, the book taps into the public imagination and the process of both remembering and forgetting that define our collective memory of place. Candler, who belongs to one of Georgia's most recognizable families, confronts the uncomfortable truths of his own ancestors' roles in the South's legacy of white supremacy with a masterful mix of authority and a humbling sense that his own journey of unforgetting and recovering has only just begun.

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Generi Viaggi e turismo » Letteratura di viaggio » Scritti di viaggio » Guide turistiche » Stati Uniti , Storia e attualità » Storia » Americhe

Editore University Of South Carolina Press

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 21/05/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781643364803

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A Deeper South

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