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A Message From God

Retha McPherson - Aldo McPherson
pubblicato da Destiny Image, Inc.

Prezzo online:
-20 %

When Aldo McPherson was 12 years old, a car accident left him in a coma. While in the coma, he had a supernatural experience where he went to heaven, saw God, the angels, Moses and Abraham. Aldo came back with one message: "Jesus is Alive!" This book challenges the complacent. Is God still your first love? Are you sold-out to Him? Filled with Scripture references, and direct quotes from the Bible, A Message from God will ignite the sparks of the Holy Spirit in your life and bring you closer to God, while Aldo's letters in his own hand writing give a sense of authenticity not often found in miracle stories.

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Editore Destiny Image, Inc.

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 28/12/2008

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780768496741

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A Message From God

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