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A Most Inglorious Duke

Liz Levoy
pubblicato da Splendid Island Ltd

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The news of the death of the Duke of Rockley means to young Emma that her life will change. Since her childhood, she has been promised as a wife to Edgar, son of the Duke. Now the courtship begins, and the young duke asks her to become his wife. Emma is overjoyed. Unfortunately, she does not know anything about Edgar's hidden side. Edgar is a gambler and has already lost most of his parental assets. He urgently needs new sources of income, and the promised marriage to Lady Emma is a welcome opportunity, especially as the fortune of Emma's family is considerable.

After the wedding, Emma does not suspect anything yet. However, by and by, the signs are multiplying that something in the Rockley house cannot be right. When the truth finally becomes known, it is already too late, because Edgar was arrested for his gambling debts and sentenced to prison.

Will Emma be able to settle Edgar's gambling debts and free him from prison? Is her love for her husband so strong that despite all adversity she stands by him, even though they have all dropped him?

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Narrativa d'ambientazione storica , Gialli Noir e Avventura » Romanzi storici

Editore Splendid Island Ltd

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 09/01/2019

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 1230003188637

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A Most Inglorious Duke

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