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A Night with Two Mates

Kate Rudolph
pubblicato da Kate Rudolph

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The planets align and the werewolves mate

Darla Martin is scraping by as a freelancer, and the promise of a big payout has brought her to a forest in Ohio in search of werewolves. But the wintery night is cold and treacherous and she soon finds herself soaking wet and desperate for shelter.

Where she meets Storm and Jace

It is the night of a rare planetary alignment, and the two men are on the edge of feral and human. When they scent Darla, they know that she is their mate, destined for both of them.

Between two alphas, Darla soon finds her pleasure and is changed forever.

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Rosa

Editore Kate Rudolph

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 03/07/2015

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 1230000529969

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A Night with Two Mates

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