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A Place of Refuge

Tobias Jones
pubblicato da Quercus

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Five years ago, Tobias Jones and his wife set up a woodland sanctuary for people in a period of crisis in their lives.
Windsor Hill Wood quickly becomes a well-known refuge, and a family home is transformed into a small community. Most people arrive because of a desperate need - bereavement, depression, addiction or homelessness - while others come simply because they are dismayed by modern life.
A Place of Refuge is the story of an evolving community: the characters and conflicts, the miracles and mistakes. As the seasons turn in the bustling woodland, an ever-changing group of people try to share their money, their meals and ideals; making furniture, growing vegetables and rearing livestock. Encountering both violent antagonism and astounding generosity, the family open up not only their house, but also themselves, to the most demanding of judgements and transformations.
This book is not about a retreat from the world, but about a deeper engagement with it. Living alongside troubled guests, Jones examines the consequences of our way of life - seeing up close the scars of war, abuse and loneliness - and contemplates the ways in which nature and stillness offer solace to those in torment.

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Editore Quercus

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 02/07/2015

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781848667907

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A Place of Refuge

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