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A Taste of Home - Heidi Swain
A Taste of Home - Heidi Swain

Audiolibro A Taste of Home

Heidi Swain
pubblicato da Simon & Schuster UK

Prezzo online:

A delicious novel from Sunday Times bestseller Heidi Swain:

'Heidi's known for her feel-good factor and this story is a delight' New! Magazine

'A charming, summery read' The People's Friend

'A summer trip to Wynbridge will never disappoint. Swain's writing as always is so delicious you could eat it all up' My Weekly

Fliss Brown has grown up living with her mother on the Rossi family's Italian fruit farm. But when her mother dies, Fliss finds out she has a family of her own, and heads back to England with Nonna Rossi's recipe for cherry and almond tart and a piece of advice: connect with your family before it is too late

Fliss discovers that her estranged grandfather owns a fruit farm himself, on the outskirts of Wynbridge, and she arrives to find a farm that has fallen into disrepair. Using her knowledge gleaned from working on the Rossi farm and her desire to find out more about her past, Fliss rolls her sleeves up and gets stuck in. But what will she discover, and can she resurrect the farm's glory days and find a taste of home?

Your favourite authors love Heidi Swain's books:

A summer delight!' SARAH MORGAN
'I loved this gorgeous story of family secrets and second chances**'** RACHAEL LUCAS, author of The Telephone Box Library
'A delightfully sunny read with added intrigue and secrets' BELLA OSBORNE
'I so enjoyed my seaside escape at Wynmouth. With heart-warming characters, a gorgeous summer setting, and a great story with secrets aplenty to keep you turning the pages, it's the perfect read to relax and curl up at home with' CAROLINE ROBERTS
'A ray of reading sunshine!' Laura Kemp, author of A Year of Surprising Acts of Kindness
'A lovely, sweet, summery read' Milly Johnson

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Contemporanei » Rosa , Passione e Sentimenti » Romanzi rosa

Editore Simon & Schuster Uk

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 10:08.26

Pubblicato 29/04/2021

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781398500594

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A Taste of Home

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