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A Teacher's Guide to Founding Mothers

Cokie Roberts - Amy Jurskis
pubblicato da HarperCollins

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For teachers

We know that the Common Core State Standards are encouraging you to reevaluate the books that you assign to your students. To help you decide which books are right for your classroom, each free ebook in this series contains a Common Corealigned teaching guide and a sample chapter.

This free teaching guide for Founding Mothers by Cokie Roberts is designed to help you put the new Common Core State Standards into practice.

"Instructive and inspiring."New York Times Book Review

Drawing upon personal correspondence, private journals, and even favored recipes, Roberts reveals the often surprising stories of these fascinating women, bringing to life the everyday trials and extraordinary triumphs of individuals like Abigail Adams, Mercy Otis Warren, Deborah Read Franklin, Eliza Pinckney, Catherine Littlefield Green, Esther DeBerdt Reed, and Martha Washingtonproving that without our exemplary women, the new country might never have survived.

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A Teacher

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