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A Wedding for The Pilot's Girl - Fenella J Miller
A Wedding for The Pilot's Girl - Fenella J Miller

Audiolibro A Wedding for The Pilot's Girl

Fenella J Miller
pubblicato da Boldwood Books

Prezzo online:

Book two in Fenella J. Miller's gripping and emotional WWII series.

Will her secret destroy her chance at happiness?

The phony war is over and Hitler is beginning his rampage through Europe. But back home Barbara Sinclair has troubles of her own. With her wedding to Spitfire Pilot Alex Everton imminent, Barbara is worried about a secret she is keeping from her new husband one that could ruin everything.

Determined to try and maintain some normality in her life, the wedding goes ahead, but Alex leaves almost immediately to continue fighting the Germans. Barbara fears for his safety and for the moment, her secret must wait

But when bombs fall on Barbara's new home, the war feels closer than ever. And Barbara realises that time could be running out for both of them

A gripping and authentic tale of courage, duty and bravery, perfect for fans of Lizzie Lane, Patricia McBride and Rosie Clarke.

Praise for Fenella J. Miller:

'Yet again, Fenella Miller has thrilled me with another of her historical stories in the Goodwill House saga series. She brings alive a variety of emotions and weaves in facts relating to the era, all of which keep me reading into the small hours' Glynis Peters

'Curl up in a chair with Fenella J Miller's characters and lose yourself in another time and another place.' Lizzie Lane

'Engaging characters and setting which whisks you back to the home front of wartime Britain. A fabulous series!' Jean Fullerton

Please note: This books was originally published as Barbara's War: The Middle years.

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Editore Boldwood Books

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 07:09.19

Pubblicato 13/12/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781835186282

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A Wedding for The Pilot

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