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AI and Genius Machines - Scientific American
AI and Genius Machines - Scientific American

Audiolibro AI and Genius Machines

Scientific American
pubblicato da Blackstone Publishing

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In science fiction, artificial intelligence takes the shape of computers that can speak like people, think for themselves, and sometimes act against us. Reality of course is vastly different, though in many ways computers surpass their fictional counterparts. This book reviews work in the field and covers topics from chess-playing to quantum computing. The writers tackle how to make computers more powerful, how we define consciousness, what the hard problems are, and even how computers might be built once the limits of silicon chips have been reached.

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Generi Informatica e Web » Linguaggi e Applicazioni » Scienza dei calcolatori , Scienza e Tecnica » Argomenti d'interesse generale » Opere generali

Editore Blackstone Publishing

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 07:58.00

Pubblicato 21/07/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781094074504

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AI and Genius Machines

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