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Adam With His Talking Frog

Daniel Erial
pubblicato da Daniel Erial

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In the charming town of Oakwood, where magic is as common as morning sunshine, young Adam stumbles upon a discovery that changes his life forevera talking, magical frog named Felix. In what starts as a simple search for a skipping stone at the local pond turns into the beginning of an extraordinary friendship. Felix, with his enchanting tricks and playful personality, quickly captivates Adam, who has always longed for a bit more adventure in his life.

Adam excitedly brings Felix to school, eager to introduce his magical new friend to his classmates. Felix charms everyone with his magical displays, transforming the ordinary school day into an unforgettable spectacle of chocolate bars, dancing desks, and a cafeteria wonderland. Just as Adam is reveling in his newfound popularity, an unexpected twist arisesa mysterious alien spacecraft appears in the sky above the school, leaving everyone in awe and fear.

With Felix by his side and a world of magical possibilities ahead, Adam's journey is only just beginning. Together, they are about to embark on an unforgettable series of adventures filled with friendship, enchantment, and thrilling discoveries.

Part Of The Ebook:-

Adam's eyes widened in disbelief. "You can talk? But how is that possible?" he asked, his voice filled with wonder.

Felix let out a melodic chuckle. "Ah, the wonders of magic, my friend. You see, I'm no ordinary frog. I possess the power to perform all sorts of enchanting tricks." With a flick of his long, slimy tongue, Felix transformed a nearby pebble into a delicious-looking cupcake, complete with swirling frosting on top.

Adam's mouth fell open in awe as he eagerly snatched up the cupcake, taking a bite. "Mmm, this is incredible!" he exclaimed, savouring the sweet treat. "I can't believe you did that with just your tongue. You really are magical, aren't you, Felix?"

Nodding proudly, Felix hopped a little closer to Adam. "Indeed, I am, my dear boy. And I have a feeling you and I are going to become the best of friends."

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Educativi » Cultura generale » Misteri e soprannaturale » Hobby e tempo libero » Lavoretti e attività manuali » Narrativa » Umorismo

Editore Daniel Erial

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 13/09/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9798227790033

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Adam With His Talking Frog

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