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Advances in Fish Processing Technologies

pubblicato da Apple Academic Press

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Fisheries in India and elsewhere are a very important economic activity with total fish production growing each year in response to increasing demand from consumers. With this growth, it is important for developing countries to take advantage of new advances in fish preservation, processing, and packaging technologies.

This new volume, Advances in Fish Processing Technologies: Preservation, Waste Utilization, and Safety Assurance, covers advances in fish processing technology, green technologies for extracting nutraceuticals, the role of endogenous enzymes in the quality of fish/shellfish and their products, disruptive technologies, and restructured product-based technologies. The chapters introduce improved techniques that are available for handling, transportation, product development, packaging, preservation, and storage of fish with the aim to present safe and convenient products to consumers. The volume also addresses technology to reduce undesirable changes in fish due to processing. The technologies discussed include high-pressure processing, irradiation, pulsed light technology, pulsed electric field, microwave processing, application of radio frequency, ultrasound, and more.

Topics such innovative methods for utilization of fish waste are discussed as well, and quality and safety aspects of fish and fish products are covered with reference to antimicrobial resistance bacteria and new developments in safety and quality management systems of fish and fish products.

This volume provides a wealth of information for graduate and postgraduate students of fisheries and food science. It will also be useful for food science professionals.

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Generi Gastronomia » Ricette » Pesce e frutti di mare

Editore Apple Academic Press

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/02/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781000608861

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Advances in Fish Processing Technologies

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