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Adventuregame Comics: Samurai vs. Ninja (Book 3)

Jason Shiga
pubblicato da Abrams Fanfare

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In the third installment of award-winning cartoonist Jason Shiga's interactive graphic novel series, Adventuregame Comics: Samurai vs. Ninja guides you to choose your warrior fate. Your choice will set you on a path, solving puzzles and learning special skills, all in preparation for your ultimate quest

There is a bracelet that gives the wearer immense power, but it has fallen into the clutches of the evil Lord Touma. You must break into his house and steal it! But when Lord Touma's guards apprehend you, it'll be down to your smarts and your special skills to beat his rigged games and break free. Will you make the right choices or have to start a new path?

Adventuregame Comics is a series of interactive graphic novels in the vein of Jason Shiga's hit graphic novel Meanwhile. Readers follow the story from panel to panel, using tubes that connect them, and sometimes the path will split, giving readers the chance to choose how the story unfolds.

Adventuregame Comics series
Adventuregame Comics: Leviathan (Book 1)
Adventuregame Comics: The Beyond (Book 2)
Adventuregame Comics: Samurai vs. Ninja (Book 3)

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Narrativa » Narrativa

Editore Abrams Fanfare

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 27/08/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781647004569

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Adventuregame Comics: Samurai vs. Ninja (Book 3)

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