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Alfie Cat In Trouble - Rachel Wells
Alfie Cat In Trouble - Rachel Wells

Audiolibro Alfie Cat In Trouble

Rachel Wells
pubblicato da HarperCollins Publishers

Prezzo online:

Alfie the Doorstep Cat - star of the smash-hit Sunday Times bestseller - is back in brand new ALFIE story for a younger readership.

Alfie is everyone's favourite cat. A big ball of grey fur who changes the lives of every family he meets. When the Clover family move into Alfie's neighbourhood he soon makes friends with eight-year-old Stanley Clover. Stanley wants to be a famous explorer and takes Alfie along on his adventures. But Alfie soon realises that Stanley is unhappy. He is jealous of his talented sister Viola and feels ignored by his mum and dad who only ever seem to notice him when he gets into trouble. Can Alfie help Stanley get noticed for the right reasons?

Rachel Wells, the top author and Sunday Times bestselling author, continues to weave her magic in this short fiction. The bestselling book is a must-read for children and juvenile readers who love animals and adventure.

For fans of Ashley Spires (Binky), Margaret Wise Brown (Good Night Moon), Axel Scheffler (Bella Beetroot - The Rebel Princess. A princess tale with a twist! With gorgeous illustrations from the illustrator of THE GRUFFALO), Rod Campbell (Oh Dear!), and Laura Hughes (There's a Pig up my Nose!).

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Narrativa » Narrativa » Storie di animali

Editore Harpercollins Publishers

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 01:19.48

Pubblicato 07/04/2016

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780008172107

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Alfie Cat In Trouble

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