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All She Wants 4 Christmas - Jessica Lee
All She Wants 4 Christmas - Jessica Lee

All She Wants 4 Christmas

Jessica Lee
pubblicato da Jessica Lee

Prezzo online:

It's Christmas Eve, and all Monica Sims wants is for her fiancé, just once, to step outside his comfort zone. She loves him, and life is fine in their perfectly planned world. But Monica is ready for more. She takes a risk and shares with him her darkest fantasies: Domination. Submission. Surrendering to the will of more than one man. But her confession is more than her straitlaced boyfriend can handleor so she thought.

Dane knows exactly what he wants in bed: just him and Monica, his fiancéealone. Simple, easy, vanilla sex was all he ever needed. That was until the night he found his fiancée in her office, watchingenjoyinga very naughty movie on her laptop. Determined to be the one to unleash her control, Dane decides to surprise her on Christmas Eve with a trip to a private fetish club. But they won't be alone.
(2nd. Edition)

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Generi Passione e Sentimenti » Letteratura erotica , Romanzi e Letterature » Erotica

Editore Jessica Lee

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 04/12/2012

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781301527403

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All She Wants 4 Christmas

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