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All the Good

Dexterity Books Editorial
pubblicato da Dexterity

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**This uniquely illustrated, full color gift book encourages graduates everywhere to do good in the world as they prepare for their next adventure. Based on a much loved quote,**All the Good shares thoughtful stories and quotes from a broad range of people who made a difference, inspiring grads to pursue their own greatness by doing good.

All the Good will give graduates fresh perspective on how to live a life of purpose and how to add "Do Good" into their plans and goals for the future. Each chapter focuses on a different line from the quote that begins "Do all the good you can." The bright and modern design takes this inspirational quote to a new generation of graduates, sharing stories, quotes, and examples of people who did good work in their respective circumstances. Each section of the book focuses on a line from this timeless quote:

  • Do all the good you can
  • By all the means you can
  • In all the ways you can
  • In all the places you can
  • At all the times you can
  • To all the people you can
  • As long as ever you can

With anecdotes ranging from unknown heroes to famous figures like Stephen Hawking and Bryan Stevenson of Just Mercy, the book also includes other quotes on doing good from Desmond Tutu, John Steinbeck, Dolly Parton, and many of the other names these grads have studied in school.

Grads who might be familiar with John Wesley's famous "Do all the good you can" quote will gain a new and fresh take on what it could mean for this next phase of their lives. This timely gift book will also feature lined space for grads to write down their ambitions and dreams about what they can contribute to the world as theycontemplate what it means to do "good" once their diplomas are in hand.

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Editore Dexterity

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 20/04/2021

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781947297296

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All the Good

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