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All the Way Happy

Kit Coltrane
pubblicato da Carina Press

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-9 %

Their differences made them enemies.

One summer tied them together forever.

From the moment Jack Gardner first laid eyes on Theodore Beaumont, he hated everything about him. Emanating wealth and icy perfection, Theo was everything Jack was not. Their time together at the elite Gwynns Academy changed them both, but it wasn't until a chance encounter the summer after graduation that the tension between them became palpableunbearable.


Seventeen years later, Jack's and Theo's worlds collide as they drop their sons off at Gwynns. Theo wants the kind of authentic life that requires confronting past liesspecifically the steamy summer affair he and Jack kept buried like a secret beneath the floorboards of their marriages.

Jack isless than convinced.

Existing in the present and simultaneously in their shared past, in the richness of their memories and the way they once clung together, Jack and Theo struggle to reconcile the worlds they have built apart with their longing to be togetherand the fear of being hurt all over again.

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Romanzi contemporanei

Editore Carina Press

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 27/12/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780369732675

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All the Way Happy

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