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American Spirit or Great Awokening?

Bruce D. Abramson
pubblicato da Academica Press

Prezzo online:
-5 %

America is suffering from a deep spiritual crisis. The national polarization that so many miscast as political is really a conflict between two spiritual solutions pointing in drastically different directions. One is Wokeism, a new belief system that speaks most clearly to America's spiritually starved young, urban, credentialed, professional elites. Wokeism, enshrining radical concepts of race, gender, sexuality, and climate as determiners of self and individuality, allows them to fill their spiritual needs while denying that any such needs exist. The Woke, who deny that theirs is a faith, are rapidly turning Wokeism into the established religion of the United States. The other direction is a revitalization of the American Spirit, a reconnection with our nation's spiritual roots and the traditional faiths that fueled it. For far too long, we have denied the existence of such a spirit, seen it as a source of shame, buried it, or recast it as an embarrassing artifact of an older time. In today's world, it hangs by a thread. The way forward thus requires us to face three harsh realities: that we are mired in a deep spiritual crisis, that the new religion of Wokeism has arisen to meet reconfigured spiritual needs, and that only a revival of America's founding spirit can preserve the American nation and save the Republic.

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American Spirit or Great Awokening?

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