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An Angler Abroad tells of all the fishing that Steve did in 2019, and what an incredible year it was!
The book describes Steve's fishing at eight different venues, mostly in France. None of these were the commercial venues that are often written about. These are lesser known gems, often in beautiful surroundings, which are rarely fished, but still contain some fantastic carp.
Steve fished at some new venues this year too, and the chapters on the Somme canal are absolutely riveting. The fishing was very difficult, but the carp that he caught were all in immaculate condition, and most of them had very rarely, if ever, been caught before.
He has been an angler for more than fifty years, and has caught some amazing fish during this time, including many huge carp both in England and abroad. He now does most of his fishing in France, preferring the tranquillity of some of the lesser known venues, where he is often the only angler on the lake.
Steve describes all the people that he met, and everything that happened, warts and all, in a way that almost makes you think that you are there on the bank with him.
A fascinating story.

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Generi Ambiente e Animali » Sport e attività nella natura » Pesca e caccia

Editore Steve Graham

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 08/11/2019

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780463413449

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An Angler Abroad

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