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An Anne Perry Christmas

Anne Perry
pubblicato da Random House Publishing Group

Prezzo online:
-13 %

For the first time in one cozy volume: Anne Perry's first two Christmas novelsyuletide offerings full of holiday magic . . . and murder

"One of the best books to brighten the joyous season."
USA Today

"This brief work has an almost Jamesian subtlety. . . . [A] powerful message of responsibility and redemption."
The Wall Street Journal

In the Berkshire countryside, family and guests have gathered for a delicious weekend fĂȘte surrounded by roaring fires and candlelight. It's scarcely the setting for misfortune, and no onenot even that clever budding sleuth Lady Vespasia Cumming-Gouldanticipates the tragedy that is to darken this holiday house party.

"Satisfyingly dark and suspenseful."
Entertainment Weekly

"Wondrous . . . a welcome entry to the seasonal thriller."
Richmond Times-Dispatch

At the Dreghorn family reunion, the tranquility of a snowbound English estate is shattered by what an apparently accidental death. The victim's distraught wife summons her godfather, the distinguished mathematician and inventor Henry Rathbone, to the scene. And questions about the tragic event soon turn into whispers of murder.

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Editore Random House Publishing Group

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 25/03/2009

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780307513106

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An Anne Perry Christmas

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