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An Echo of Murder (William Monk Mystery, Book 23)

Anne Perry
pubblicato da Headline

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The killer's hallmark is clear; can Monk now stop a community being targeted?

The master of the Victorian crime, New York Times bestselling author Anne Perry returns with the twenty-third novel in the William Monk series An Echo of Murder. Perfect for fans of C. J. Sansom and Ann Granger.

'Anne Perry's Victorian mysteries are marvels of plot construction... truly remarkable' - New York Times

London, 1870: The body of a Hungarian immigrant is found dead in what appears to be a ritualistic killing, with a bayonet through his heart, his fingers broken and his body surrounded by seventeen blood-dipped candles. At first, Commander William Monk of the Thames River Police suspects the killer is from within the community, but when another murder takes place, Monk fears the immigrants are being targeted by an outsider...

Meanwhile, Hester is reunited with a doctor who had been left for dead on a Crimean battlefield. Traumatised by his experiences, Fitz has made his way home via Hungary and is now living in the community. Hester is determined to help him and, when he is accused of the killings, she sets out to prove his innocence...

What readers are saying about the William Monk Mysteries:

'Perry is an agile word painter - so perfectly describing the sights and sounds of Victorian London from the dark Limehouse area to the posh West End that one feels transported to a different time and place'

'The reader becomes immersed in the tension'

'The characters are believable, the storyline ingenious and the reader [is kept] guessing right to the end'

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Editore Headline

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 20/04/2017

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781472234148

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An Echo of Murder (William Monk Mystery, Book 23)

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