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An Economic History of Liberal Italy (Routledge Revivals)

Gianni Toniolo
pubblicato da Taylor & Francis

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This book, first published in 1990, examines Italy's economic history from its Unification in 1850 to the end of the First World War. Particular attention is paid to the extent to which Italy exhibits the features of Kaznets's model of 'modern economic growth'.

An Economic History of Liberal Italy begins with a quantitative assessment of Italy's long-term growth in this period. All of the main relevant variables including production, consumption, investment, foreign trade, government spending, and welfare are discussed. The book proceeds through a chronological account of the developments of the economy during this period, and concludes with a critical survey of the relevant historiography.

Throughout the book emphasis is given to structural changes, to developments in the main industries, to the relations between different sectors of the economy, and to economic policies. This book is ideal for those studying economics of Italian history.

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An Economic History of Liberal Italy (Routledge Revivals)

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