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An Expedition through Bass's Strait

Matthew Flinders
pubblicato da Good Press

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In "An Expedition through Bass's Strait," Matthew Flinders provides a meticulous account of his groundbreaking maritime journey in the early 19th century. Flinders skillfully blends narrative and scientific observation, presenting readers with both vivid descriptions and crucial geographic insights as he navigates the challenging waters between Tasmania and mainland Australia. His literary style reflects the Enlightenment ideals of exploration and discovery, employing a formal yet engaging tone that invites the reader into the complexities of navigation, cartography, and the natural world, all framed within a historical context of burgeoning Australian exploration. Flinders, an accomplished British naval officer and explorer, had a profound passion for maritime geography. His experiences in the Royal Navy and extensive explorations of the Australian coastline shaped his understanding of the region's diverse ecosystems and indigenous cultures. Notably, his commitment to accuracy in mapping and his emphasis on scientific inquiry inform the text, as he seeks to promote a greater understanding of the Australian territories during a time of colonial expansion. This book is essential for readers interested in maritime history, exploration, and the early encounters between European explorers and the Australian landscape. Flinders'Äô eloquent documentation and scientific rigor offer a compelling look at the challenges of navigation in uncharted waters, making this work a significant contribution to both literary and historical scholarship.

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Generi Guide turistiche e Viaggi » Guide turistiche » Australia, Nuova Zelanda, Oceania » Letteratura di viaggio , Romanzi e Letterature » Scritti di viaggio

Editore Good Press

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 09/11/2021

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 4066338071033

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An Expedition through Bass

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