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An Introduction to Japanese Society - Yoshio Sugimoto
An Introduction to Japanese Society - Yoshio Sugimoto

An Introduction to Japanese Society

Yoshio Sugimoto
pubblicato da Cambridge University Press

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-60 %
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25 punti carta PAYBACK
Prodotto acquistabile con Carte Cultura e Carta Docente

Essential reading for students of Japanese society, An Introduction to Japanese Society now enters its third edition. Here, internationally renowned scholar, Yoshio Sugimoto, writes a sophisticated, yet highly readable and lucid text, using both English and Japanese sources to update and expand upon his original narrative. The book challenges the traditional notion that Japan comprises a uniform culture, and draws attention to its subcultural diversity and class competition. Covering all aspects of Japanese society, it includes chapters on class, geographical and generational variation, work, education, gender, minorities, popular culture and the establishment. This new edition features sections on: Japan's cultural capitalism; the decline of the conventional Japanese management model; the rise of the 'socially divided society' thesis; changes of government; the spread of manga, animation and Japan's popular culture overseas; and the expansion of civil society in Japan.

La nostra recensione

'A valuable read for anyone wishing to gain an understanding of Japan beyond the platitudes and stereotypes that are often accepted without question.' BCCJ Acumen

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Generi Non definito

Editore Cambridge University Press

Formato Paperback / softback

Pubblicato 22/06/2010

Pagine 360

Lingua Inglese

Isbn o codice id 9780521705196

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An Introduction to Japanese Society

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