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An Introduction to Sociology

Claire Wallace - Melissa Tyler - Pamela Abbott
pubblicato da Taylor and Francis

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-5 %

This third edition of this best-selling book confirms the ongoing centrality of feminist perspectives and research to the sociological enterprise, and introduces students to the wide range of feminist contributions in key areas of sociological concern.  Completely revised, this edition includes:

  • new chapters on sexuality and the media
  • additional material on race and ethnicity, disability and the body
  • many new international and comparative examples
  • the influence of theories of globalization and post-colonial studies.

In addition, the theoretical elements have also been fully rethought in light of recent developments in social theory.  Written by three experienced teachers and examiners, this book gives students of sociology and women's studies an accessible overview of the feminist contribution to all the key areas of sociological concern.

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Generi Politica e Società » Sociologia e Antropologia » Antropologia: Opere generali » Sociologia: Opere generali » Donne » Questioni femminili » Studi di Genere e gruppi sociali » Donne

Editore Taylor And Francis

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 11/09/2002

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781134805877

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An Introduction to Sociology

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