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MAY you be purified by Parvati1 who coloured the nails of her hands, which were white like the waters of Ganges, with lac after seeing the fire on the forehead of Shambhu; who painted her eyes with collyrium after seeing the dark hues of Shambhu's neck and whose body-hair stood erect (with desire) after seeing in a mirror the ashes on Shambhu's body.

I invoke thee, O Kamadeva! thee the sportive; thee, the wanton one, who dwellest in the hearts of all created beings;

Thou instillest courage in time of war; thou destroyedst Sambar' A'sura and the Rakshasas; thou sufficest unto Rati2 , and to the loves and pleasures of the world;

Thou art ever cheerful, removing uneasiness and overactivity, and thou givest comfort and happiness to the mind of man.

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Editore @annierosebooks

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 28/03/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 1230003778357

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Ananga Ranga

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