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Anatomy of Paradise Hawaii and the Islands of the South Seas

J. C. Furnas
pubblicato da Porirua Publishing

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Embark on an enchanting journey through the idyllic islands of the Pacific with J. C. Furnas's Anatomy of Paradise: Hawaii and the Islands of the South Seas. This captivating travel narrative offers a rich and detailed exploration of the cultures, landscapes, and histories of Hawaii and the South Sea Islands, capturing the essence of these paradisiacal destinations.

Furnas, a skilled writer and keen observer, provides readers with a comprehensive account of his travels through some of the world's most breathtaking and remote locales. From the volcanic majesty of Hawaii to the serene beauty of Tahiti and Fiji, Anatomy of Paradise vividly portrays the natural splendor and unique cultural heritage of each island.

The book delves into the complex history of the Pacific Islands, tracing their journey from ancient Polynesian navigators to encounters with European explorers and the impact of colonialism.

Anatomy of Paradise is not just a travelogue; it is an exploration of the human spirit and its connection to these enchanting lands. Furnas highlights the resilience, traditions, and daily lives of the islanders, providing a respectful and empathetic portrayal of their societies. His engaging prose brings to life the rhythms of island life, from traditional ceremonies and dances to the challenges of modernity.

This book is an essential read for travel enthusiasts, historians, and anyone fascinated by the Pacific Islands. Furnas's evocative storytelling and thorough research create a vivid tapestry of the islands, making Anatomy of Paradise a timeless tribute to one of the world's most captivating regions.

Join J. C. Furnas on this unforgettable journey and experience the magic, mystery, and beauty of Hawaii and the Islands of the South Seas through the eyes of a masterful storyteller.

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Editore Porirua Publishing

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 07/06/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781991305671

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Anatomy of Paradise Hawaii and the Islands of the South Seas

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