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"So the actual reason I was calling you is becauseget thisI am not going to Prague this summer at all. Surprise! Thanks, Villa. Just ruin my life for me."

Villa Grace is in disgrace. Her expulsion from school has ruined the prospect of a family holiday in imperial Prague, where her mother is organising a conference. Two of her three siblings are barely speaking to her, as all four face into a 'holiday' sweltering on Cobwell Farm in the back of beyond of drought-stricken Hibernia.

But the power-hungry St. Maur Ker family has breached the border between mortal and sídhe for their own gain. Cobwell, on the threshold of myth, is about to become the centre of a battle between older, wilder forces and the technomantic ambitions of one of the empire's great aristocorporate clans.

Caught up in this conflict, the children are forced to face up to the dark underbelly of their parents' corporate environ-ment, and to confront their own conflicting ambitions and loyalties.

For readers of all ages.

"Gorgeous and hilarious and profound." Siobhán Parkinson

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Editore Bibliotheque Des Refusés

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 08/04/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781739603748

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And the Wildness

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