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Arabian Nights: Prince Camar and Princess Badoura (Easy Classics) - Kellie Jones
Arabian Nights: Prince Camar and Princess Badoura (Easy Classics) - Kellie Jones

Audiolibro Arabian Nights: Prince Camar and Princess Badoura (Easy Classics)

Kellie Jones
pubblicato da Sweet Cherry Publishing

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An adapted, easy-to-read edition of Prince Camar and Princess Badoura - with engaging illustrations throughout. Prince Camar and Princess Badoura have a lot in common. Both have been locked up by their fathers for refusing to marry. Both have been brought together by two genies to settle a disagreement. One evening is all it takes for them to fall in love, but by morning they are separated. To find each other again, one will fake their own death and one will disguise themself as the other. With no magic to help them this time, they must hope that determination will be enough.

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Narrativa » Classici

Editore Sweet Cherry Publishing

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 00:59.51

Pubblicato 07/09/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781782268444

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Arabian Nights: Prince Camar and Princess Badoura (Easy Classics)

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