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Arabian Nights: Sinbad the Sailor (Easy Classics) - Kellie Jones
Arabian Nights: Sinbad the Sailor (Easy Classics) - Kellie Jones

Audiolibro Arabian Nights: Sinbad the Sailor (Easy Classics)

Kellie Jones
pubblicato da Sweet Cherry Publishing

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An adapted, easy-to-read edition of Sinbad the Sailor - with engaging illustrations throughout. A porter in Baghdad meets a retired sailor whose travels have made him rich and famous. Though jealous at first, the porter learns through seven stories how hard Sinbad has worked for his fortune. The first story tells of a vanishing island, the second of a valley of snakes; places the porter can hardly imagine, voyages he can scarcely believe. There are storms and shipwrecks, pirates and treasure, giant birds and giant men. Somehow Sinbad survives as does his spirit of adventure.

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Narrativa » Classici

Editore Sweet Cherry Publishing

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 01:26.16

Pubblicato 07/09/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781782268420

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Arabian Nights: Sinbad the Sailor (Easy Classics)

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