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Arabian Nights: The Fisherman and the Genie (Easy Classics) - Kellie Jones
Arabian Nights: The Fisherman and the Genie (Easy Classics) - Kellie Jones

Audiolibro Arabian Nights: The Fisherman and the Genie (Easy Classics)

Kellie Jones
pubblicato da Sweet Cherry Publishing

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An adapted, easy-to-read edition of The Fisherman and the Genie - with engaging illustrations throughout. A poor fisherman nets a strange pot instead of fish to feed his family. Luckily, there is a genie inside. Unluckily, that genie is furious. Only stories about a regretful father and an ungrateful king convince him not to kill the fisherman. Instead, the genie takes him to a magic lake with all the fish he could ask for, but which he cannot eat. The reason why lies in another story about another king and a sorceress who walks through walls.

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Narrativa » Classici

Editore Sweet Cherry Publishing

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 00:53.08

Pubblicato 07/09/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781782268406

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Arabian Nights: The Fisherman and the Genie (Easy Classics)

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