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Arabian Nights: The Three Princes and the Magic Carpet (Easy Classics) - Kellie Jones
Arabian Nights: The Three Princes and the Magic Carpet (Easy Classics) - Kellie Jones

Audiolibro Arabian Nights: The Three Princes and the Magic Carpet (Easy Classics)

Kellie Jones
pubblicato da Sweet Cherry Publishing

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An adapted, easy-to-read edition of The Three Princes and the Magic Carpet - with engaging illustrations throughout. Brothers Hussain, Ali and Ahmed are very competitive and they are all in love with Princess Nourinnihar. To win her heart they travel to distant kingdoms, seeking the rarest gifts, from a magic apple to a flying carpet. Until tragedy forces them to work together. In the end, only one prince can marry the princess. Another goes off to see the world and soothe his heartache. The last follows an enchanted arrow to an invisible palace and a beautiful genie

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Narrativa » Classici

Editore Sweet Cherry Publishing

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 01:10.02

Pubblicato 07/09/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781782268383

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Arabian Nights: The Three Princes and the Magic Carpet (Easy Classics)

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