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Arthritis and Common Sense

Dan Dale Alexander
pubblicato da Muriwai Books

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A startling revelation on arthritisand what you can do about it in your own home.

Here are the results of 12 years of research by the author, Dan Dale Alexander. In these pages an authority reports on his findings about the diseasehe lists successful steps which can be taken to bring relief.

Laboratory tests by the author developed a plan and a dietary regime which have brought better health to arthritics and have caused their pains to disappear.

The Science Editor of The New York Times has reported that arthritis is a lubrication problem. The Times said, in part, that while both cortisone and ACTH are still more precious than radium it is predicted that both are on the way out as far as arthritis is concerned.

Unlike present "cures supposedly caused by costly miracle drugs, this book gives a complete outline of an inexpensive corrective diet which lubricates the patient's joints and returns arthritis to better health.

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Generi Salute Benessere Self Help » Alimentazione e Diete

Editore Muriwai Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 03/09/2018

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781789122343

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Arthritis and Common Sense

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