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Astronaut Academy: Re-entry

Dave Roman
pubblicato da First Second

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-18 %

Beautifully updated with fresh color, this new edition Astronaut Academy: Re-Entry is the adventurous second volume of the middle-grade graphic novel series from Dave Roman.

Hakata Soy still has a lot to learn!

It's a new semester at Astronaut Academy and everyone is excited for the Fireball
championshipespecially Hakata's cranky roommate, Tak Offsky. But lurking in the shadows is a shape-shifting, heart-stealing monster, and it might just knock the Fireball team out of the competition!

Can Hakata and Tak put aside their differences, lead the team to victory, and save the lives of their classmates?

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Generi Non definito

Editore First Second

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 06/04/2021

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781250831484

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Astronaut Academy: Re-entry

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