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At leve eller bare eksistere 4

Eduard Wagner
pubblicato da Books on Demand

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It may well be that what is described in the book turned out to be a bit hearty, but everything happened as it is stated there. Sure there are a lot of memoirs and maybe these are the ones where you could say it's a normal life, but that's also the view of how I experienced my existence. But that doesn't mean that I blame anyone around me or anything like that, it's all based on my own decisions. I wasn't able to judge whether they were right or wrong at the time, only afterwards. It was also 95% my decision to do it that way. Whether I would have let myself be told something or not is another question. But what will certainly accompany me to the end of my life, in whatever form, is that a person thinks of character assassination in order to perhaps give an impetus to his career. If facts and not estimates had been passed on from finance to the judiciary back then, my life would probably have taken a different course. Even if it was determined from this cause that I was guilty of some legal violations, I am convinced that I am innocent until the end of my life. I had decided that I would protect my son with my approach. Whatever you think of it now, I have decided that I am on the right path, otherwise my son might not be alive today.

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Generi Storia e Biografie » Biografie Diari e Memorie » Biografie e autobiografie

Editore Books On Demand

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 09/05/2022

Lingua Danese

EAN-13 9783756280599

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