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Baby, Drive South - Stephanie Bond
Baby, Drive South - Stephanie Bond

Audiolibro Baby, Drive South

Stephanie Bond
pubblicato da Stephanie Bond, Inc.

Prezzo online:

Southern town seeks single women. Lots of them!

The three hardheaded Armstrong brothers are determined to rebuild their tornado-ravaged hometown in the Georgia mountains. They've got the means, they've got the manpower...what they and their army of men need are women! So they place an ad in a northern newspaper for single women with a pioneering spirit... and they wait.

Porter, the youngest Armstrong, is all for importing women--so much so, he climbs the water tower every day to look for cars coming up their mountain road. When he spots the size of the caravan headed their way, he's so blown away, he takes a tumble from the tower. Luckily there's a doctor among the newcomers--sweet and sexy Dr. Nikki Salinger, who doesn't seem to be on the hunt for a man like the rest of the group.

But Porter has every intention of checking out her bedside manner....

Dettagli down

Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Romanzi contemporanei

Editore Stephanie Bond, Inc.

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 09:01.15

Pubblicato 24/01/2019

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781664984516

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Baby, Drive South

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