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Badon and the Early Wars for Wessex, circa 500 to 710

David Cooper
pubblicato da Pen & Sword Books

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A thought-provoking study of warfare in the Dark Ages in Great Britain and the origins of Wessex.

David Cooper's book reappraises the evidence regarding the early battles for Wessex territory. It charts the sequence of battles from the c. AD 500 siege of Badon Hill, in which the Britons defeated the first Saxon attempt to gain a foothold in Wessex territory, to Langport in 710, which consolidated King Ine's position and pushed the Britons westwards. Discussion of the post-Roman British and Germanic factions provides context and background to Badon Hill, which is then covered in detail and disentangled from Arthurian legend. In considering how the opposing commanders are likely to have planned their campaigns, enduring principles of military doctrine and tactics are discussed, using examples from other periods to illustrate how these principles applied in Dark Ages Britain. Going on to follow subsequent campaigns of the West Saxons in southern Britain, a credible assessment is made of how these resulted in the establishment of a viable Wessex kingdom, two centuries after Badon. Grounded in the latest academic and archaeological evidence, David Cooper offers a number of new insights and ideas.

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Editore Pen & Sword Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 30/07/2018

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781526733580

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Badon and the Early Wars for Wessex, circa 500 to 710

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