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Ball of Fat(Ducool Authoritative Fine Proofread and Translated Edition)

pubblicato da XinXueTang

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The author of this book Maupassant is known as the great master of short stories. The personal characters in his work show to us naturally through stories proceeding. During the Franco-Prussian war in 1870, a French carriage is detained by a Prussian officer when it leaves the enemy-occupied area. The officer asks a whore called ball-of-fat to stay with him overnight. If she don't do that, he won't let the carriage pass. Ball-of -fat refuses him because of her patriotism. But the selfish passengers from higher class force her to sacrifice herself to save everyone on this carriage. And ball-of-fat gives in at last. But when the carriage start off again on the next morning, passengers who press their suit change their attitudes. They all distance her and don't talk to her again. Ball-of-fat finds she is drowned by the despising from these scoundrels who just love their honorary. They sacrifice her and then throw her away like the dirty rubbish.

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Classici

Editore Xinxuetang

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 11/04/2016

Lingua Cinese

EAN-13 9787563722969

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Ball of Fat(Ducool Authoritative Fine Proofread and Translated Edition)

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