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From the authors of Barefoot Running, the essential guide to the life-changing benefits of barefoot walking

As the thousands of people who have fallen in love with barefoot running already know, shedding your shoes is good for the body and the soul. Barefoot Walking shows all readers, no matter their fitness level, how to take command of their physical and spiritual well-being through this simple and easy practice, even if they are daunted by sore feet, achy joints, injury, illness, or feeling out of shape. This book contains special material for children, pregnant women, and seniors, and shows anyone how this gentle, natural activity can literally transform one's life, restoring health, vitality, strength, and balance, and improving focus, mood, memory, and more. Full of tips and tools for going bare, this is the essential handbook for people who want to move their body, connect with the earth, and feel physically and psychologically more alive.

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Generi Salute Benessere Self Help » Cura del corpo » Mente, corpo, spirito , Sport » Fitness, Ginnastica

Editore Harmony/rodale/convergent

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 26/03/2013

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780307985927

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Barefoot Walking

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