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Baxter Bear's Big Bear Hug - Kelly Johnson
Baxter Bear's Big Bear Hug - Kelly Johnson

Audiolibro Baxter Bear's Big Bear Hug

Kelly Johnson
pubblicato da Kelly Johnson

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"Baxter Bear's Big Bear Hug" by Kelly Johnson tells the heartwarming story of Baxter, a gentle giant living in Misty Mountain Forest known for his kind heart and comforting bear hugs. Baxter's days are spent spreading happiness and offering support to his fellow forest inhabitants, from lost rabbits to worried squirrels. When Rosie the rabbit loses her way, Baxter's compassionate nature shines as he guides her home with a reassuring hug and gentle encouragement. Word of Baxter's kindness spreads, and soon he becomes a beloved figure in the forest, known not just for his hugs but also for his wise counsel and unwavering friendship. The story culminates in a joyous celebration orchestrated by the forest's young animals, who gather to honor Baxter's generosity with a heartfelt party filled with laughter, music, and gratitude. "Baxter Bear's Big Bear Hug" is a tale that celebrates the transformative power of kindness and community, reminding readers of the profound impact small acts of love can have in bringing light and joy to the lives of others.

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Fantasy , Fantasy Horror e Gothic » Fantasy

Editore Kelly Johnson

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 00:08.45

Pubblicato 20/07/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9798882357152

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Baxter Bear

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