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Bb Clarinet 1 part of "Pizzicato Polka" Clarinet Quintet / Ensemble sheet music

Johann Strauss Junior - Josef Strauss - a cura di Francesco Leone
pubblicato da Glissato Edizioni Musicali

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Bb Clarinet 1 part of "Pizzicato Polka" by Johann and Josef Strauss arranged for Clarinet Quintet / Ensemble by Francesco Leone. Intermediate level, duration 3.00 min (+-). Score, parts and alternative available in series. Scan Qr-code (in cover) for audio demo or visit product code: EG1196. instrumentation: Eb piccolo or Bb Clarinet (instead) - Bb Clarinet 1 - Bb Clarinet 2 - Bb Clarinet 3 or Eb Alto, Bass Clarinet or Bassoon or Cello.

  • The Pizzicato Polka is a piece of orchestral music by Johann Strauss II. Strauss composed it with his brother Josef in 1869 for a trip to Imperial Russia. It was published in 1870. The polka was written for string orchestra and glockenspiel. It was hugely popular, especially in Italy, where it was included on every program Strauss played there. The piece consists of four melodies and the work is arranged in ternary form (A-B-A). The original piece is scored for plucked strings.

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Generi Musica » Strumenti musicali e Insiemi strumentali

Editore Glissato Edizioni Musicali

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 20/09/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9791222002361

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